State of Magisk: 2021Ever since my employment at Google, crazy speculations has been spreading like wild fire all over the Internet. The out-of-context private…Aug 29, 20218Aug 29, 20218
Linux 系統程式設計 — Logging ShenanigansLogging 幾乎是所有程式必用的功能,是搜集資料跟 debug 極度重要的工具之一。如此「基本」的功能,在多線程 (multi-thread)、多程序 (multi-process) 的程式中竟暗藏巨大陷阱?Mar 10, 20211Mar 10, 20211
Linux 系統程式設計 — Timed Waiting最近在寫 Magisk 一個看似很直觀的功能時,發現實作起來異常困難,而且有非常多「陷阱」在裡頭,決定來記錄一下整個思路歷程整理思緒。希望讀者在讀完本篇文章後,能夠對多線程 (multi-threading) 及多程序 (multi-processing) 有更深入的了解Dec 18, 20201Dec 18, 20201
State of Magisk: 2020Back in 2016, I was the typical Android enthusiast: rooting, flashing ROMs, custom kernels, messing with Xposed and such. I just learned…Jan 24, 20201Jan 24, 20201
Huawei’s Undocumented APIs — A Backdoor to Reinstall Google ServicesA few clicks, and Google Services are back. Sounds good, right?Oct 1, 201917Oct 1, 201917
From Anime Game to Android System Security VulnerabilityHello, I’m @topjohnwu, the developer of the popular Android modding tool: Magisk. In this article I’d love to share the whole journey from…Nov 22, 20186Nov 22, 20186